1-Day In-House Employment Act and Its Practical Applications Workshop

Topics covered include recent changes to the Employment Act, including Key Employment Terms; Itemized Payslips; Record Keeping and Retirement and; Re-employment Act.

1-day In-House Employment Act and Grievance Handling Workshop

At the end of the workshop, participants will have a good understanding of the various provisions of the Employment Act and its applications in their day-to-day dealings at the workplace; and on how to handle employee grievances effectively, take disciplinary action with confidence and work collaboratively with Trade Union.

[Blog 28] The Chief Guru Chronicles 104: We’re Not In Kansas Anymore

Tripartism and social dialogue has always been the building block for the stable industrial relations within our country’s business and political environment. We may fail to admit it but the fact remains that we owe much of our nation’s thriving businesses, growing salaries, and low levels of unemployment to...

[Blog 27] The Chief Guru Chronicles 103: Avoid The Sharks, Swim With The Fishes

Picture this: You are an established company seeking opportunities to expand your operations in an ideal climate for your business. Under you radar is a foreign land reputable for its flourishing economy, yet one perceived to be one of the most corrupt countries on the Corruption Perceptions Index. Despite...

[Blog 26] The Chief Guru Chronicles 102: How Would You Like Your Justice Served?

While you always want to assume that the majority of your employees are upstanding and honest citizens, there is no escape from encountering rogues in the pack from time to time. Many managers find themselves stumped and do not know the course of action to take when it comes...

[Blog 25] Thinking Out Loud: Leaders Don’t Always Have The Answers

For decades, the traditional role of human resource has been unflatteringly perceived as merely administrative, encompassing personnel functions such as “hire and fire”, payroll administration, systemising of company policies and the like. Fast forward to today, it is now turning into a strategic function brimming with complexities that involves...


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