[Blog 49] What is HR role in Merger and Acquisitions?

Mergers and acquisitions typically involve a great deal of number-crunching and risk assessment. However, the importance of communication and company culture should not be underestimated.

[Blog 48] Coaching is a better alternative!

More and more organisations are doing away with annual appraisals and formal performance reviews. Here is why coaching might be a better alternative.

How to keep hold of your job in a fast-changing world

As the economy has responded to the ebb and flow of global upheaval, technology has quickened the pace of digital uptake, and business practices have become more outward facing, putting traditional job functions on the line. Is there a job function to fulfil and is an employee needed to perform that function?

[Blog 47] Why should you adopt a competency-based performance management system?

When you are assessing your employees using competencies, you can then clearly highlight the areas for improvement.

Unemployment rate inches up to 2.3%, even as total employment grows in Q3

The overall unemployment rate in Singapore inched up slightly in the third quarter of this year, even as total employment growth more than tripled from the previous quarter.

Unfair clauses in employment contracts: How can employees be better protected?

An employee who wanted to quit after less than three months on the job was told to pay the company a month's worth of salary as compensation. While this was a clause found in the employee’s contract, it was an “unreasonable” one.

[Blog 46] How to write a competency-based job description

Small businesses often have a harder time attracting and hiring the best employees for specific jobs when they write traditional task-focused job descriptions in their job ads. Competency-based job descriptions is different from a standard job description.

[Blog 45] How do you set up a robust Compensation Strategy?

An effective compensation strategy is a clear articulated document that serves as a guide to the organisation on how to manage employee compensation. It motivates current employees and is used as a tool to attract new talents.

[Blog 44] Family Business Succession Planning – How To Do It?

Generally, most family business owners and entrepreneurs are busy growing their business and find themselves so bogged down in the day-to-day operations, that they don’t strategically plan for succession planning and how the transition may impact the business.

[Blog 43] Does Job Rotation Benefit Employee Engagement?

Ever wondered why organisations invest in job rotation where the roles require the employees to move between at least two job roles at consistent interims with the goal that they must get exposed to different job roles and verticals within the organisation?


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