In your daily dealing with your staff, you need to motivate and guide them. If an employee has a grievance, how do you help him or her to resolve the matter? As supervisor, you have to know the grievance procedure.
However, at times, you also need to counsel and discipline them. What do you do if someone is not prepared to listen and accept your counseling and advice? How do you handle a staff member who may just need to learn the hard way – discipline?
When taking disciplinary action, how do you know you are being fair? If the company is unionized, how would the Union react to your disciplinary action? What if they allege victimization? What should you do if the employee is not happy and takes up the issue as a grievance with his or her union?
Some employees may still not behave despite your efforts to correct their behaviour. In such instances, the next best option is to take the most extreme form of action – dismissal.
If you need to resort to terminating employment, how do you know the action is justified? In a nutshell, how do you discipline and punish recalcitrant staff and still gain the respect and trust of your staff?
In this workshop, participants will learn how to develop a positive working relationship with staff and handle disciplinary action with confidence.
Who should attend?
Line-managers, supervisors, executives and HR practitioners or any person interested in learning more about handling grievances and staff discipline.
Course Outline
Topics covered include:
1) Grievance and Grievance-Handling
• Understanding grievances and why employees raised them
• Common grievances
• Negative responses to grievance
• Consequences of mishandling grievances
• Handling grievances effectively
• Company’s grievance-handling procedure and what you need to do
• Case-studies -
2) Discipline and Disciplinary Action
• What is discipline?
• Why is there a need to discipline?
• How do you discipline a staff member without fear or favour?
• Progressive Discipline
• Golden Rules in Discipline
• Hot-Stove Rules
• Common types of discipline
• Company’s Code of Conduct & Discipline
• What are the common kinds of disciplinary infractions?
• How do you know the disciplinary action is fair?
• How do you determine what level of progressive discipline is appropriate for the offence?
• Case-studies -
3) Termination of Service
• Contract and contractual rights
• Termination with notice
• Payment in lieu of notice -
4) Dismissal
• Dismissal without notice
• Holding an Inquiry
• Right of staff to appeal for wrongful dismissal
• Consequences of wrongful dismissal
• Victimisation of union officials
• Handling dismissal effectively
• What must you do before resorting to dismissal?
• How can you ensure the dismissal is justified and fair?
• Case-studies -
5) Developing Positive Working Relationship with your staff
• Dos and Don’ts
• Handling different types of staff
Lectures, discussion, sharing and case-studies.
Chia Boon Cher, IR Guru
HRguru Pte Ltd
A specialist in employment relations and human resource management, Chia Boon Cher spent more than 16 years at Singapore’s Ministry of Labour (now the Ministry of Manpower) before joining the private sector in 1990.
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Email: contactus@hrguru.com.sg
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