A Practical Guide to The Employment Act for Good HR Practices, 3rd Edition

By Chia Boon Cher & Edmund Baker
With special focus on the latest amendments to the Employment Act and the employment of Professionals, Managers and Executives (PMEs).
Since this book was first published in 2010, the Ministry of Manpower has made numerous amendments to the Employment Act. In the 2nd Edition of this book, the authors had provided the readers with an updated version based on the major amendments in April 2014. In the 2nd Edition, a new chapter on part-time employment was also added.
Following the amendments to the Employment Act effective 1st April 2019, the authors have decided to publish this 3rd Edition to keep the readers up-to-date. Apart from updating this guide book with the latest amendments, they have also took the opportunity to re-write some of the questions and answers to provide more clarity. A new chapter on the Employment Claims Tribunal has also been added to highlight the new avenue available for all workers and PMEs to resolve employment disputes.
Retail Price: $39.99
Special Offer: $35.00
What Everyone Is Saying:
“ An excellent reference manual for any would-be HR Manager as well as IR Practitioner. This is a very well laid-out guide book with all the relevant sections of the Act organised by subject headings for easy reference. Boon Cher has drawn from his vast experience to provide practical answers on the “how to” aspects of managing those difficult FAQ issues. His tips on good HR policies and practices can only raise the standard of HR management and encourage the adoption of fair employment practices among his readers. ”
“ This handbook answers many pertinent questions which both line managers & HR practitioners have in mind. More importantly, it explains the principles and rationale of the recommended practices. ”
“ This book lives up to its title of being a Practical Guide to the Employment Act. Mr Chia injects his rich wealth of experience in HRM and labour law with relevant cases to help the readers understand the background and intent of the various sections of the Act. The Q&A format anticipates questions of readers and provides answers that are practical and to the point making the book a very efficient reference for busy professionals. ”