Executive Compensation in Singapore for your HR needs

HR Guru - Executive Compensation

At HRguru, we help you navigate the intricacies and complexities of executive compensation proficiently and with confidence. Our singular focus gives us a deeper understanding on how to align compensation plans with company strategy and culture.

HRguru Executive Compensation Practice Solutions

  • Total compensation strategy
  • CEO/Top Executives compensation benchmarking
  • Non-Executive Director remuneration reviews
  • Short-term incentive plans design
  • Design of and implementation of equity-based incentive programs (eg. share options, share appreciation rights, performance shares and restricted shares)
  • Adjustment of equity-based compensation plans due to special corporate events (i.e. special dividends, rights issue, capital reduc-tion, mergers & divestment)
  • Valuation of share grants and share options for accounting report
  • Design of cash-based long-term incentives: Economic Profit/EVA Incentive Plans, Phantom Share Options / SAR, Performance Cash / Restricted Cash Units

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HRguru Executive Compensation Practice Advisors

Tommy Ng

Founder & Chief Guru

Email: tommyng@hrguru.com.sg

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