Friday, 13 September 2019
9am – 5pm
@ Holiday Inn City Centre
Course Fee: $480 per pax (No GST)
The course fee includes lunch and 2 tea-breaks, a workshop training booklet and a complimentary copy of the updated book “A Practical Guide to The Employment Act for Good HR Practices, 3rd Edition”, worth $39.99.
The Employment Act has been amended substantially since 1st April 2014. More amendments are in place with effect from 1st April 2019. It will have significant impact on both employers and employees, especially those classified as Professionals, Managers and Executives (PMEs).
While the Act provides the basic terms and conditions of employment, it also spells out the rights and obligations of employers and employees. More importantly, it imposes labour discipline on the employees and provides avenues for employers to deny them statutory benefits in the event of breach of discipline. On the other hand, employers have the statutory obligations to offer employees benefits in accordance with the provisions of the Act.
It is important therefore that, in both the unionized and non-unionised environment, HR practitioners, supervisors, line-managers and executives who have dealing with subordinates should have a good understanding and appreciation of the Employment Act so as to minimize disputes on employment issues with their staff and their union.
Workshop Objectives
At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to answer some of the typical questions such as:
- How do the amendments to the Act affect the employment of PMEs?
- What are the changes in the Act that affect the payment of overtimes to employees?
- Can employer offer an employee higher starting pay in lieu of overtime claim?
- What can employee do if employer fails to pay salary on time?
- What can employer do if an employee fails to turn up for work for more than two days?
- Can employer dismiss an employee who is frequently on sick leave?
- Can employee use his annual leave to off set his notice period?
- Is Annual Wage Supplement (AWS) compulsory under the Employment Act?
- Can employer refuse to grant annual leave to an employee who is still under probation?
- Is employer obliged to grant maternity leave to a female employee for her third child?
- Can I ask my staff to work on split shift or 12-hour shift without additional compensation?
Lecture, Discussion and Question-and-Answer sessions.
Course Outline
Historical background of Employment Act
- Scope of the Act: who are covered
- Why were managerial, executive and confidential staff not covered under the Employment Act in the past and how do the latest amendments alter their positions?
Salary and Other Statutory Payment
- Calculation and formula
- Authorized & Unauthorized Deduction
Terms and Conditions of Employment
- Shift work, working hours & limits
- Rest Day Work
- Working on Public Holidays
Statutory Leave
- Annual Leave
- Sick Leave
- Hospitalisation
- Public Holidays
- Denial of Leave for Disciplinary Reasons
Protection of Children and Young Persons
- Can a child work?
- What is the age limit?
- Where can they work?
Termination and Dismissal
- Termination of Contract
- Termination without Notice
- Dismissal for Misconduct
- Inquiry Procedures
- Right of Employees to Appeal
- Consequences of Wrongful Dismissal
- Case-studies
Other Statutory Provisions
- Change of Employers
- Claims limit
- Enforcement by Ministry of Manpower
At the end of the Workshop, there will be a Question-and-Answer session to provide participants an opportunity to raise issues and problems relating to their experience and practices.
The workshop will be conducted at Holiday Inn City Centre. Fee includes lunch and 2 tea-breaks.
Who Should Attend?
Line-managers, supervisors, executives and HR practitioners or any person interested to know more about the Employment Act and contractual terms.
Chia Boon Cher, IR Guru
HRguru Pte Ltd
Mr Chia Boon Cher has over 16 years of experience in the Ministry of Manpower before he joined the private sector in 1990. At the Ministry, he held various appointments including Enforcement Officer (Labour Inspectorate), Assistant Director (Conciliation) and the Registrar of Trade Unions. His experiences encompassed enforcement of the various labour laws including the Employment Act and conciliation of trade disputes. He also has wide knowledge of human resource management and industrial relations, having worked in Singapore National Employers’ Federation (SNEF), foreign multi-national companies (like SmithKline Beecham) and large local corporations (like ST Aerospace).
He obtained his MA, HRD from George Washington University and BSc (Econs)(Hons, 2nd Upper) from London University. For the past 14 years, he has been sharing his experience and expertise in the field of labour laws and practices through lectures, talks and workshops in NTUC, SIM, SNEF, MDIS, SHRI, PSB Academy, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (NUS), and private organisations.
Mr Chia is currently an Independent Professional with HRguru® Pte Ltd and also the Principal Consultant of his own firm, Action Consulting & Training. He provides training and consultancy services in the field of employment relations and human resource management. He is the author of the books: “Practical Guide to the Employment Act for Good HR Practices” and “Practical Guide to the Employment of Professionals, Managers and Executives (PMEs) for Good HR Practices.”
Quick Enquiry
Call Us: +65 6443 4328 or +65 9824 8821
Email: contactus@hrguru.com.sg
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