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At the end of the workshop, participants will have a good understanding on how to handle employee grievances effectively, take disciplinary action with confidence and work collaboratively with Trade Union.

Workshop Objectives

To give participants a good understanding on how to handle employee grievances effectively, take disciplinary action with confidence and work collaboratively with Trade Union.


Lectures, discussion and sharing.

Course Outline

Grievance and Grievance-Handling

  • Understanding grievances and why employees raised them
  • Common grievances
  • Negative response to grievance
  • Consequences of mishandling grievances
  • Handling grievance effectively
  • Company’s grievance-handling procedure and what you need to do

Discipline and Disciplinary Action

  • What is discipline?
  • Why need to discipline?
  • How do you discipline a staff without fear or favour?
  • Progressive Discipline
  • Golden Rules in Discipline
  • Hot-Stove Rules
  • Common types of discipline
  • Company’s Code of Conduct & Discipline
  • What are the common kinds of disciplinary infractions?
  • How do you know the disciplinary action is fair?
  • How do you determine what level of progressive discipline is appropriate for the offence?

Termination of Service

  • Contract and contractual rights
  • Termination with notice
  • Payment in lieu of notice


  • Dismissal without notice
  • Holding an Inquiry
  • Right of staff to appeal for wrongly dismissal
  • Consequences of wrongful dismissal
  • Victimisation of union officials
  • Handling dismissal effectively
  • What must you do before resorting to dismissal?
  • How can you ensure the dismissal is justified and fair?

Developing Positive Working Relationship with your Trade Union

  • Dos and Don’ts
  • Handling different types of staff

At the end of the Workshop, there will be a Question-and-Answer session to provide participants an opportunity to raise issues and problems relating to your experience and practices.


Chow Kwok Wah, HR Guru
HRguru Pte Ltd

Kwok Wah is a seasoned HR professional with over 40 years of experience, 22 years of which was spent in the transport and logistics industries.

Quick Enquiry

Call Us: +65 6443 4328 or +65 9824 8821


Register Interest

Please fill in the following form to register your interest and keep updated with the latest developments of the programme.

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