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The Employment Act and the Industrial Relations Act give employers the right to dismiss an employee for misconduct. However, employers are required to conduct proper inquiry before dismissing a worker for any misconduct.

The inquiry consists of two elements: first thorough investigation and second, a hearing before a Board of Inquiry (BOI). More often than not, employers fail to conduct investigations properly and effectively. This results in defective Board of Inquiry (BOI).

It is important that employers carry out proper investigations into the alleged misconduct fairly and effectively. This requires, among other things, the gathering of relevant facts and evidence.

It also requires proper questioning techniques and investigation skills. Next, the employee must be given a fair hearing before a panel or Board of Inquiry (BOI).


The 2-Day workshop will provide participants with skills and knowledge in handling workplace investigations and the conducting of a Board of Inquiry (BOI) effectively. The 2-Day workshop consists of 2 sessions; The 1st Day session covers investigation and the 2nd Day session covers the BOI.

By the end of the 2-Day workshop, participants will be able to achieve the following learning outcomes:

  • How to conduct a workplace investigation on disciplinary issues.
  • Explain the importance of holding “due inquiry” under the Section 14 (1) of Employment Act and Section 35(3) of the Industrial Relations Act.
  • Explain how the principles of natural justice apply in workplace investigations and the conducting of a BOI.
  • How to conduct BOI effectively.

Who should attend?

Line-managers, supervisors, executives and HR practitioners or any person who is required to chair or conduct a BOI session.

Course Outline

1) 1st Day Session

By the end of the 1st Day Workshop, participants will be able to achieve the following learning outcomes:

  • Explain the importance of holding “due inquiry”.
  • Explain why holding “due inquiry” is required under Section 14 (1) of Employment Act and Section 35(3) of the Industrial Relations Act.
  • How to conduct proper investigation.

In the first session, participants will learn five important skills:

  • Conduct effective and impartial investigations using the PEACE process
  • Handle possible problems which may occur at the investigation stage
  • Gather and evaluate evidence
  • Draft complaints or charges

2) 2nd Day Session

The second session will focus on how to conduct proper Board of Inquiry (BOI). Both the employer representative and the panellists of the BOI must know how to conduct the BOI fairly and effectively. This requires the necessary skills in presentation and question techniques.

By the end of the 2nd Day Workshop, participants will be able to achieve the following learning outcomes:

  • Explain the importance of natural justice in holding the BOI.
  • How to conduct proper questioning techniques.
  • How to present the facts and evidence to the BOI.
  • How to conduct the BOI fairly and effectively.

In the second session, participants will learn five important skills:

  • Present employer’s case effectively
  • Conduct effective and impartial hearing
  • Handle possible problems which may occur at BOI confidently
  • Evaluate evidence using the credibility checklist
  • Decide on appropriate penalty by management


Lectures, case-studies, mock sessions, discussion and question-and-answer sessions.


Chia Boon Cher, IR Guru
HRguru Pte Ltd

A specialist in employment relations and human resource management, Chia Boon Cher spent more than 16 years at Singapore’s Ministry of Labour (now the Ministry of Manpower) before joining the private sector in 1990.

Quick Enquiry

Call Us: +65 6443 4328 or +65 9824 8821


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