HRguru Office Reopens on 2 June 2020

As Singapore enters Phase 1.0 of post circuit breaker period, HRguru operations will be back in the office from 2 June 2020.

Gradual Resumption of Activities At Workplaces

The Government has announced Circuit Breaker measures will be gradually eased from 2 June 2020, and businesses will be allowed to resume activities in a phased manner.

What Are You Reading: “Mind Over Matter”

Adopting a global mindset is vital in today’s world, where conflicting interpretations of culture and values are inevitable. This encompasses a wide spectrum of dimensions and factors that can influence employee engagement, even boiling down to ethnicities, religion, history and geographical locations.. …What I thought was a huge step...

What Are You Reading: “How Would You Like Your Justice Served?”

“There is often a conflict of legal and moral obligation – one to faithfully run your business, the other to generally evaluate your employee’s actions in a fair way based on the circumstances.” …In my dealing with real life cases of employee wrongdoings over the years, two incidents particularly...

Temporary Office Closure

In view of the circuit breaker measures for COVID-19, HRguru operations will be taken remotely and our office will be temporarily closed till 1 June 2020.


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