Interviewing Essentials

Our Founder & Chief Guru, Mr Tommy Ng, is honoured and privileged to be invited as a guest speaker by SDH Institute on 29 January 2021 to share with their Bachelor’s Degree and MBA students on Interviewing Essentials from an interviewer’s perspective. The main essence of the talk was...

[Blog 42] Adopt a customised competency-based training programme for more effective learning

With the extensive publicity on the importance of upskilling the workforce, many organisations have tried to jump on the bandwagon. However, many are not able reap the effectiveness of these learning and development sessions when the employees are tasks to implement what they have learnt within the organisation.

[Blog 41] HR Competency-based Framework – is it a necessity or a trend?

In every organization, human capital is one of the most important resources. Managing, nurturing and developing it effectively is the key to any successful organisation across industries today. As basic as it sounds, this process can be quite complexed. Many organisations have HR solutions, which are standalone and not integrated. This results in loss of direction across all levels within the organization.

[Blog 40] Competency-based interviewing process – An effective and focused approach to getting the right candidate

Are you a HR professional or People Manager of a manpower driven industry which caters almost half of your time to talent search to beat the manpower crunch? Then maybe it’s time you redesign your recruitment process. Typically, a recruitment process would start with drafting job descriptions followed by...


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