[Blog 32] Thinking Out Loud: With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility… Or Is It?

It’s rare to get through one’s career without having to encounter a not-so-inspiring toxic boss who contaminates the workplace. Truth be told, bad bosses do not only exist in movies; they are a reality. Unfortunately, many tend to fly under the radar because employees tend to have the habit...

[Blog 25] Thinking Out Loud: Leaders Don’t Always Have The Answers

For decades, the traditional role of human resource has been unflatteringly perceived as merely administrative, encompassing personnel functions such as “hire and fire”, payroll administration, systemising of company policies and the like. Fast forward to today, it is now turning into a strategic function brimming with complexities that involves...

[Blog 21] Thinking Out Loud: I Pay $$$, I Am King

A quote by Margaret Thatcher goes, “Being powerful is like being a lady: if you have to tell people you are, you aren’t.” This notion can be easily applied in the landscape of a workplace where power often comes naturally with a position of leadership, although there are instances...


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