[Blog 36] The Chief Guru Chronicles 111: Less Dollars, More Sense

Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR is the word these days as more and more consumers seek products and services from firms who engage in socially and environmentally sustainable practices. Companies, in turn, are subsequently pressured into integrating CSR through their business interactions. When it comes to CSR, there are...

[Blog 35] The Chief Guru Chronicles 110: Never Stay Above The Fray

Political dynamics at the workplace can often come in the way of the advancement of hard-working and deserving employees in an organization. In a recent Harvard Business Review post, Tomas Chamorro-Prezumic and Abhijit Bhaduri pointed out that one of the six ways managers hinder the progression of high-potential employees...

[Blog 34] The Chief Guru Chronicles 109: Life’s Like A Movie. Write Your Own Ending

Looking for the perfect candidate for a new team member can be a lengthy, time-consuming ordeal. Under ideal circumstances, you select the perfect candidate who is compatible for the job and fits seamlessly into the corporate culture. On the other hand of the spectrum, however, a flawed hiring decision...

[Blog 33] The Chief Guru Chronicles 108: You Are What You Eat… And Who You Surround Yourself With

There’s a saying that goes, “Surround yourself with people that reflect who you want to be and how you want to feel. Energies are contagious.” This is especially true when you are young and impressionable, because those who are in close proximity with you—family, friends, colleagues—tend to be people...

[Blog 32] Thinking Out Loud: With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility… Or Is It?

It’s rare to get through one’s career without having to encounter a not-so-inspiring toxic boss who contaminates the workplace. Truth be told, bad bosses do not only exist in movies; they are a reality. Unfortunately, many tend to fly under the radar because employees tend to have the habit...

[Blog 31] The Chief Guru Chronicles 107: When The Going Gets Tough, Hang In There

Crises can happen anywhere and at any time, even when you least expect it. Whether it comes in the form of an unrest or conflictual scenario, it is never a pleasant ordeal. Taking the welfare, safety and health of employees into consideration, dealing with a crisis requires HR practitioners...

[Blog 30] The Chief Guru Chronicles 106: Mind Over Matter

Adopting a global mindset is imperative in today’s world where conflicting interpretations of culture and values are inevitable. This encompasses a wide spectrum of dimensions and factors that can influence employee engagement, even coming down to ethnicities, religion, history and geographical locations. The perception of the world among various...

[Blog 29] The Chief Guru Chronicles 105: Go Global, Act Local

While a supportive and nurturing boss is vital to your overall job experience and development—especially during the early stages of your career—do you ever feel like your manager couldn’t care less about or undermines your career growth? You display enthusiasm with a set of exceptional work ethics to boot,...

[Blog 28] The Chief Guru Chronicles 104: We’re Not In Kansas Anymore

Tripartism and social dialogue has always been the building block for the stable industrial relations within our country’s business and political environment. We may fail to admit it but the fact remains that we owe much of our nation’s thriving businesses, growing salaries, and low levels of unemployment to...

[Blog 27] The Chief Guru Chronicles 103: Avoid The Sharks, Swim With The Fishes

Picture this: You are an established company seeking opportunities to expand your operations in an ideal climate for your business. Under you radar is a foreign land reputable for its flourishing economy, yet one perceived to be one of the most corrupt countries on the Corruption Perceptions Index. Despite...


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