How Human Resources will Thrive in the AI and Robotics World

[Written by Nica Foo, Humanising Disruptive Innovation® | LEGO® SERIOUSPLAY® | Solution-Focused® Coach]
We have been experiencing the benefits of artificial intelligence for more than a generation, but its presence in the robotics world is significantly larger today than ever before. It has become commonplace for AI-powered systems, products, or tools to outperform what humans can produce or accomplish.
One of the few areas that remain relatively untouched by this technology is the world of human resources, although that fact is quickly changing. Deloitte estimates that 40% of companies are using AI in their HR software to augment the productivity of their staff. It has helped the recruiting processes and talent acquisition in numerous ways already.
Now HR is ready to thrive in many other areas thanks to the benefits of AI.
“There is only so far one can take the usage of AI in HR. It is much easier to raise a concern or discuss an issue with an HR professional whom you know and have built a relationship with. It is important the human face of HR doesn’t get lost ”
What Will HR Look Like in the Future?
Several different service providers and startups are currently targeting HR with their AI-based solutions. Their goal is to provide higher value to the organization by automating even more of the routine functions that this department encounters every day. Solutions in employee services and development, coaching, and even chatbots that initiate conversations about benefits are all ideas that can enhance the workplace experience.
Textio is currently working on AI solutions for sourcing, while Talla is seeking ways to improve the onboarding experience through artificial technology. Saberr helps with coaching needs. Each has something in common: they work like an analytical, data-driven product that seeks to find a logical solution for the issues faced each day.
The reality of AI and HR is that we can glean new insights from this technology to give ourselves a competitive advantage. That means our uniquely human skills will continue to grow in importance.
“There are many people whose jobs are to drive. I think it might be the single largest employer of people. So we need to figure out new roles for what those people do, but it will be very disruptive and very quick ”
AI Will Help People Do Their Jobs Better
Estimates from Gartner, PwC, and the World Economic Forum all suggest that artificial intelligence will create more jobs than it will take away. That means the focus of HR today is to decide on how AI will help people be able to do their jobs better.
From an HR perspective, that means increasing the speed of hire dramatically. When you can incorporate AI to source candidates, screen them, and even start the interviewing process, then organizations can fill open positions faster. Using artificial intelligence will also remove the unconscious bias that everyone has when engaging in this process, enabling companies to improve their diversity while identifying the highest-performing candidates more rapidly.
“Perhaps we should question not just what AI can do for HR but also what HR can do for AI in ensuring we ask the human centred questions that AI raises ”
This trend also suggests that skills-based hiring will become a top priority in the future. Instead of having a particular degree hanging on your wall, HR will design specific competency requirements for jobs instead.
All of this requires a shift in how we think about talent. It also requires HR departments to think about the meaning behind the work that employees are doing. There is a desire to find work that inspires happiness, and when people see it, they work harder and have fewer absences.
The future of HR in the world of artificial intelligence is one that will still focus on human capital. What is changing is the approach to each worker and how we define what the “best” talent will be moving forward.
What do you see the future challenges being for HR in the future?
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Tags: Nica Foo, Lego, Artificial Intelligence, Technology, AI
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