[Blog 7] Learning and Development Initiatives You Should Implement in Your Workplace

Most companies are aware of how important training initiatives are. In addition to equipping new hires with the right skills to tackle their upcoming projects, learning and development initiatives introduce employees to the company’s culture, expectations and work processes. This ultimately improves the company’s productivity, and enables staff career progression should they wish to.
But what learning and development initiatives should be implemented in the workplace?
Management Development
With all the focus on training new employees, development of the management team is often overlooked. While this may seem less crucial – after all, only strong performers capable of carrying out their roles well get promoted to a managerial position – this becomes a key problem when managers helm the management role for the first time. Many companies often forget that the role of a manager differs greatly from a department executive. With no idea on what it actually means to be a manager, first time managers may find themselves struggling to manage their new subordinates or even ex co-workers, and slip back into performing their old executive duties. As such, it becomes crucial that companies implement management development initiatives to help their managers achieve a better understanding of their new role, and train them in the necessary areas.
Technology Integration
In this digital age, technology plays a huge role in both administrative and operational processes. From processing claims, managing leave and benefits, to utilising the company’s SAP system, the integration of technology in every company is evident and often provides companies with the potential to boost their productivity. To fully leverage on that potential, companies however, need to first educate their staff on how to use the systems. With systems in every company being different, and at times, difficult to use, learning and development initiatives focusing on technology integration are pivotal to ensure that employees use the systems effectively and not ditch them for manual methods.
Mental Health Management
Keeping up with the demands of the volatile economic landscape often means tolling long hours at work and rushing out huge amounts of work every day. As such, it is easy for employees to feel overworked and disgruntled. Having initiatives that equip employees with better stress management habits and help employees to understand their rights to requesting for better work accommodation can help to improve such circumstances. To foster a more supportive work environment for employees, companies should thus organise more talks and sessions aiming to target mental health issues commonly faced at work, improving overall job satisfaction.
If your company is deliberating on what learning and development initiatives should be implemented, contact HRguru today for expert HR advice that fits your company’s needs perfectly.