[Blog 14] Should I Stay Or Should I Go?
The job market isn’t looking so hot as more people are getting retrenched and slower employment growth are on the cards. Nevertheless, a survey revealed that 3 out of 4 Singapore millennials are prone to look for a new job. If you find yourself to be at a crossroads, it is important to identify if you are having a genuine mismatch or just a whim of dissatisfaction. Here are some well-rounded considerations to take note of before you press eject:
Going through the same motions day to day may not offer you room to grow and leverage your strengths, leading to a downward spiral of unhappiness. While some refuse to sit through the disengagement and prefer to make full use of their skill set and experience, others might embrace the state of being pressure-free it as it allows for more time to pursue interests outside of work that will keep them physically and mentally compensated. After all, isn’t a work-life balance something we’ve been working towards all our lives?
Salary matters. A lot. But is the bigger pot of gold that you yearn and fantasise really out there within your reach or are you just being naïve? Remember that money is not entirely everything. This would be a suitable time to map out your expenses, financial responsibilities and work benefits to see if leaving your job for a pay rise is a risk worth taking. However, if you have assessed the downsides and you’ve come to realise that your paycheck severely misaligns with market norms, you’re probably already struggling to get by and perhaps it’s time to seek greener pastures.
Culture and environment
The culture and people that surround you every day is crucial for your happiness and success at a job. Whether you thrive in a fast-paced corporation or an easy-going setting, an abusive work environment should never be tolerated at any cost. If something (or someone) at work is taking a huge emotional toll on you, it’s probably not worth it. However, if you realise that your situation is manageable, adopt a more positive attitude and immediately take concrete steps to improve your situation. Perhaps communicating more clearly with your co-workers or supervisor about the issues you are facing can make a difference to your overall work life.
While taking a leap can blemish your career and disrupt your personal advancements, putting up with an undesirable situation can also be detrimental to your personal well-being and have lasting repercussions. If you’re one of the many unhappy Singaporeans who dread going to work, perhaps you just haven’t found the right job yet. Then again, given the current state of the economy, it will probably take a while before you find a company that perfectly suits your needs.
At the end of the day, it’s all about prioritising what is most important to you before taking your next step. If you require the guidance or assistance of a career guru or expert, look no further than HRguru. Contact us about our Talent Search services and learn more about what we have to offer!