[Blog 16] Disruptions In Hr

The HR technology landscape today is expanding at breakneck speed, tapping on overlooked segments of the market with more functional solutions. The $14-plus billion market of software and tools is now upending old processes and boosting performances as leaps in talent analytics, assessment science and online learning are rapidly on the rise.
Here are some disruptions happening in the space that are making traditional HR systems seem out of date:
Micro learning
As employees have less and less time for training, companies are forgoing classroom learning and looking towards utilising the fast and efficient nature of devices and app integration with micro learning. This trend that the online learning market has to offer proves to be more effective than long hours of training, providing smaller bursts of content delivered over a longer period of time in order to engage employees with dwindling attention spans. Taking in smaller pieces of knowledge at high frequency also makes it easier for learners to internalise and retain their knowledge. Gnowbe, a micro-learning platform based in Singapore, leverages a ‘learn-by-doing’ approach through an interactive and structured designed process to provide bite-sized, social and application-driven learning for their clients. With applied learning, users are also encouraged to ask questions and reflect upon topics learnt so as to drive active engagement and behavior change.
Artificial intelligence
Enormous strides have been taken in the field of Artificial intelligence (AI), which is entirely changing how businesses are managing and operating their human resources. By saving costs and enhancing the value of HR, the integration of AI tools can now facilitate processes that include loyalty analysis, attrition management, succession planning and salary elasticity. X0PA is a platform that is capable of measuring impact, performance and return on investment through bespoke methods of analytic engineering and proprietary algorithms. Trustphere is another vendor making its mark with messaging intelligence, a new breed of service that combines big data with social networking and security elements. Its approach to relationship analytics offers real-time insights to improve the effectiveness and integrity of key business functions and communication between customers, suppliers and partners. Other companies like VanillaLaw assist businesses in taking ownership of their legal management through a technology-driven interface that deconstructs complex legal documents into simpler step-by-step and question-and-answer terms. Based on their needs, the platform then allows them to generate, share and e-sign their documents which are then stored in a secured, integrated system.
There is no doubt that the traditional field of HR is undergoing a breakthrough moment as the convergence of mobile computing, advanced analytic tools and artificial intelligence is disrupting business. Although micro learning and AI are yield outstanding results and are set to define the future of HR in the next year and beyond, it should not completely replace the human workforce but should instead utilised to complement and elevate the workflow of business even further. For more information on how to implement cutting edge HR initiatives at your workplace, contact HRguru today!