1-Day In-House Employment Act and Its Practical Applications Workshop

Topics covered include recent changes to the Employment Act, including Key Employment Terms; Itemized Payslips; Record Keeping and Retirement and; Re-employment Act.

1-day In-House Employment Act and Grievance Handling Workshop

At the end of the workshop, participants will have a good understanding of the various provisions of the Employment Act and its applications in their day-to-day dealings at the workplace; and on how to handle employee grievances effectively, take disciplinary action with confidence and work collaboratively with Trade Union.

1-Day Employment Act Masterclass

With special focus on frequently asked but unanswered questions and the employment of Professionals, Managers and Executives (PMEs).

Singapore Public Holidays for 2018

The Ministry of Manpower has released the dates of the 11 gazetted public holidays for 2018.

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Practical Guide to the Employment Act for Good HR Practices

With special focus on frequently asked but unanswered questions and the employment of Professionals, Managers and Executives (PMEs).

Practical Guide to the Employment of Professionals, Managers and Executives (PMEs) for Good HR Practices

With special focus on frequently asked but unanswered questions and recommended good HR Policies and Practices.


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